How Active Individuals Can Gain Leadership Experience

How Active Individuals Can Gain Leadership Experience

Anyone who want to enhance their leadership abilities and performance results must make time for learning and growth. However, many managers struggle to find the time for it. Learning to lead may frequently be neglected in the midst of pressing meetings, everyday chores, and deadlines. However, you don’t need to spend a lot of time to advance yourself. You may really do a lot of it in the course of your regular employment.

According to the most recent study, organized programs need to make up no more than 10% of leadership development. You should devote 70% of the remaining portion of your growth to experimentation and 20% to self-discovery. However, how does that appear? Furthermore, how do you begin? These are a few effective evidence-based methods.

Leadership Development

Starting with the shortest period of time, let’s talk about leadership growth. Although you might already be familiar with some of the platforms on which formal courses could be conducted, there are two things you should do before clicking the “play” button on any video.
It’s crucial to first decide which critical leadership skill you wish to hone. Don’t attempt to take on too much at once because you don’t have much time already. Examine whatever information or comments you have, such as the outcomes of a recent 360-degree survey or performance appraisals. Limit the number of abilities or talents you wish to enhance to two.
Have a time restriction for yourself, too. As it is. Leaders who attempt to achieve too much, too quickly, frequently make a fatal error. You will experience excitement, consume an hour’s worth of information in a single day, become overwhelmed by the abundance of suggestions and ideas, and either become demotivated or give up on trying to put them into practice after seeing little to no progress. Rather keep in mind that this is a long-term endeavor. Throughout time, little daily acts will provide far greater results than quick spurts of activity.
Fortunately, a lot of online courses are designed in this manner using brief videos, so you’ll only need to dedicate three to five minutes each day. Choose a course that addresses one of your specified areas for growth. Make a daily goal to view one or two brief videos. Don’t simply observe either; jot down any important lessons you learn and suggestions you may use to improve your day.


Twenty percent of your time should be dedicated to self-discovery rather than leadership development. Recall that you recently dedicated fewer than ten minutes a day to formal education; our goal is to devote somewhat more time to self-exploration. The good news is that you may carry out this task throughout your typical day.
You will need to do the following: observe other leaders for a while. Look for a leader in your company that exhibits the kinds of actions that can help you improve in those areas. Watch what and how they act. If you get the chance, probe them about the reasons behind their actions, but don’t press too hard as we frequently aren’t conscious of our own actions. Don’t simply watch, once more. Take notes and consider how to duplicate it.


The longest portion of time is now — experimenting. Consider yourself a scientist, and do modest experiments to change the way you usually behave. Use the knowledge you’ve gained from taking online courses or from seeing other leaders in action. Consider using a different approach if you need to have a tough talk with a subordinate, for example. Prior to the meeting, decide exactly what you will accomplish. Give it a go and see what happens. You can always go on to the next experiment and use what you already know if it doesn’t work out.
According to my study, developing your sense of self as a leader—or your leadership identity—requires trying. You will eventually acquire deeply used to acting in novel ways. Though the majority of your development time budget goes toward trying, it’s crucial to include time for recording and reflection because experimenting is an integral part of your daily activities. Make notes on the things you attempt and their results. Try keeping a notebook to write down your reflections and ideas if you haven’t previously.

Becoming a Better Leader

It is important to acknowledge that professional life involves constant leadership growth. And while it’s wonderful to get in and concentrate on it when you have the time, we all know that time isn’t always on our side. It does not imply that you cannot improve your abilities. To improve as a leader, all it takes is a little time and commitment.

Concluding remark

The issue of leadership is intricate. You may develop your leadership abilities in a variety of ways, from goal-setting to owning up to your mistakes. It’s critical to keep in mind that there isn’t a single leadership style that works for everyone. It’s a process of self-development that requires reflection, patience, and dedication.
Do you want to know more? Explore our extensive collection of leadership courses at to develop the abilities needed to become a great leader.