

The HORENSO method is a communication and reporting technique commonly used in Japanese business culture. The acronym HORENSO stands for “HO” (Report), “REN” (Contact), and...

How Active Individuals Can Gain Leadership Experience

Anyone who want to enhance their leadership abilities and performance results must make time for learning and growth. However, many managers struggle to find the...

Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail

A few of these corporate change efforts have been very successful. A few have been utter failures. Most fall somewhere in between, with a distinct...

Leadership Development in the Age of the Algorithm

By now we expect personalized content–it’s routinely served up by online retailers and news services, for example. But the typical leadership development program still takes...

Develop The Characteristics of a Good Leader In Yourself & Others

What Good Leadership Looks Like Based upon our decades of research and experience working with leaders at organizations around the world, we’ve found that the...

The Transformative Impact of CCL Executive Coaching

The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL®) is a top-ranked global provider of executive education. We use research to develop people into better leaders — transforming...

Understanding conflict in the workplace

WHAT IS CONFLICT? Conflict arises when people have different assumptions, thought forms, attitudes, interfaces, and needs and find it difficult to change each other. When...

iceberg leadership

Iceberg leadership is a concept that highlights the hidden aspects of effective leadership. Just like an iceberg, where only a small portion is visible above...

Innovate, Adapt and Embrace Digital Transformation

“Digital transformation” can be a nebulous term and can mean different things to different industries. It’s difficult to pinpoint a definition that applies to everyone....

Case study: Young leaders have many outstanding points compared to their older counterparts

Young leaders lack a strategic perspective and in-depth knowledge of the field they are working in, but overall, they are superior to old leader. Joseph...