What is Center for Creative Leadership?

The foreront of leadership development for nearly 50 years, as a top-ranked, global provider of leadership.

Offering cutting edge solutions to over a million leaders at all levels, including more than 2/3 of the Fortune 1,000.

Actively communicating with 80K current global leaders in the world every year with 750K leadership program alumni.

The Fundamental Four

Lead 4 Success ™:  Move leaders from average to high performing by developing the four fundamental skills that leaders at any level need to master for success.

4 fundamental skills are extracted from
“successul leaders 332 essential competiencies”

L4S bring

Inner changes through Self Awareness & Learning Agility.
Organizational changes through Influence & Communication.

Three Phase Process

Prepare – Engage – Apply

To support the learning process, our programs are designed using the framework of CCL’s 3x3x3 Model™


Assessment – Key Leadership Challenge – Conversation with the boss


Highly interactive and experiential environment – Collaborative team activities


Leadership Map summarizes goals – Learning Partners – Additional resources

Feedback from Participants


It is highly recommended program which enables participants to learn 4 core leadership components and how to apply it to their daily hands-on leadership execution, in comparison with other leadership programs which tell you about just ideal leadership itself.


It is highly appropriate for the leaders in a way to take the journey to find the answers by themselves to the challenges that they are facing with.

SK Group

It provides a chance to get aware the points where the changes are needed in my organization based on the result of my reflection through the program.

